The Republic of China (Taiwan) Ministry of National Defense has published an oral history of the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG-Taiwan). In its 342 pages, the book chronicles interviews made with 11 ROC officers and 8 MAAG members.
Though it contains little information specifically about the U.S. Taiwan Defense Command, it does provide insight into the activities of MAAG, through the eyes of those who were there. I was especially interested in the interview with retired ROC Air Force Lt. General Pan Cheng-Hu, in which he described the roles of MAAG and USTDC:
MAAG was for carrying out military assistance policy, while USTDC was for defense operations. Though they were in coordination and communication, MAAG was actually directed by the authority in Washington D.C. Except [for] combat operation, its primary task was to help the ROC military with logistics support, such as material supply and operational training, repair and maintenance of U.S.-supplied equipment.
The book contains a lot of old photographs which, unfortunately, I can't post here because of copyright restrictions.
If you would like to have a copy of this book, send a check for $6.80 to Lloyd Evans at the Taiwan Veterans Badge of Honor Association. The books are free and the check is just to help cover postage and handling costs. Make checks payable to BOHAUSA and mail them to the following address:
Attn: Phyllis
125 Lochmoore Court
Winston Salem NC 27127
You do not have be a member of the organization to order a copy of the book. Be sure to specify that you're ordering "US MAAG-Taiwan, An Oral History." Lloyd's original shipment of books from MND has already sold out but he has more coming in, so please be patient.
Attn: Phyllis
125 Lochmoore Court
Winston Salem NC 27127
You do not have be a member of the organization to order a copy of the book. Be sure to specify that you're ordering "US MAAG-Taiwan, An Oral History." Lloyd's original shipment of books from MND has already sold out but he has more coming in, so please be patient.
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