I've mentioned a few times around here that the enlisted club, Club 63 (or 63 Club, as many of us referred to it) was renamed the China Seas Club sometime in 1973 or 1974 when the Navy took over its operation from MAAG, the Military Assistance Advisory Group.
Well, I just received these images from Barbara and Walt, who were at USTDC in 1978-1979. They're from the May-June 1978 issue of The China Seas News, the club's magazine. In the second block at the top of the calendar is an announcement about the upcoming fifth anniversary celebration of the China Seas on July 1, 1978. So of course that means the date of the transition was Jul 1, 1973.
And in case you've forgotten all the good food and entertainment at very reasonable prices, just check out the calendar!
Today, the building is occupied by The American Club in China, which was formerly located next to the East Compound on Sung Shan North Road. It's a private club that caters mostly to international business people and their families.
I was over there in Tiapei Tiawan in 1977 and went to the China Seas Navy Club. I had a great time. It was the only casino that I knew of that the Navy ran. The beer was cheap and it was a lot of fun. I was on R&R from Okinawa. It was a fantastic trip.
I just found a pendant in my jewelry stash that reads "NCO Open Mess" on one side, and Club 63 Taipei, Taiwan on the other side. Do you think it's worth anything? Thanks!
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