Today I found a Time Magazine article from April 1964 that described President Johnson's new top command team and one of those mentioned was Vice Admiral William E. Gentner Jr. (misspelled as "Centner" in the first sentence of the article). I believe that he was the third COMUSTDC.
The article describes VADM Gentner as follows:
Vice Admiral William E. Centner Jr., 56, new commander of the Taiwan Defense Command on Nationalist Chinese Formosa. A taut, efficient planner and a professional perfectionist, Gentner demands that his subordinates be thinking men as well as fighting men, regularly flew "guest lecturers" out to speak aboard the big carriers when he was boss of the Sixth Fleet. Though Bill Gentner probably won't need it, there will be plenty of advice available to him on Formosa. U.S. Ambassador Jerauld Wright is a retired four-star admiral.
Once again, here's the list of COMUSTDC admirals that I've been able to find. If anyone has any additions or corrections to this list, please let me know.
Vice Adm. Charles L. Melson 1962 to 1964
Vice Adm. William E. Gentner Jr. 1964 to 1967
Vice Adm. John L. Chew 1967 to 1969
Vice Admiral Walter H. Baumberger: 1971-1972
Vice Admiral Philip A. Beshany: Sep 1972 – Sep 1974
Vice Admiral Edwin K. Snyder: Aug 1974 – Aug 1977
Rear Admiral James Linder: 1978 – 1979
Vice Admiral Doyle: ???? - ????
1 comment:
This may be irrelevant. The person on the right of the photo is Feng Chi-chung(馮啟聰), Navy Commander-in-chief of Taiwan, Aug '65 - July '70. And the huge map in the background was printed in Aug, 1963.
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