Photo of USTDC courtesy of Les Duffin

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Where We Were

This is an overhead view of the former HSA (Headquarters Support Activity) East and West compounds as they appear today. Click on the graphic for an expanded view.

The US Taiwan Defense Command was located on the north side of the East Compound. The large, white, modern looking structure is the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. I believe that it's located at approximately the same spot as USTDC, though I can't say for sure. The area to the south of the museum is now a park.

Just to the north and across the river is the former 63 (China Seas) Enlisted Club. Today, that building is the home of The American Club. To see the building as it appeared in the 1970s, go to Kent's Taipei Air Station website.

Just up the hill from The American Club is the Grand Hotel.

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