Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reflections and Wanderings and Taking a Breather

I've been writing this blog since 2007 and, like most bloggers, I run out of new material from time to time.  It seems like those dry spells have been happening more frequently in recent months.  I used to worry about it, but then I reminded myself that the whole purpose of this effort was to assemble as much of the history of the U.S. Taiwan Defense Command as I could find, since there wasn't much of it available elsewhere.  I feel like I have accomplished most of what I hoped to do and I'm okay with that.

So if you don't see a lot of updates to this blog going forward, don't assume that I've given up on it.  Whenever I come across something interesting, I'll write about it.  For example, I submitted a FOIA request to the Naval Historian's office several months ago and maybe one day they'll get around to responding.  If they ever do so, I'll pass along whatever I receive.

In the meantime, I'll be trying to figure out a way to make all the information contained here a little easier to sort through.  The advantage of having a blog format is that readers have an opportunity to comment on each topic as it is written.  The disadvantage is that there has been a lot of information posted here since 2007 and there's no easy way to find what you're looking for.  I must confess that even I lose track of where things are sometimes.  I'll probably begin by taking a look at the tags for all entries, since there's now a hodgepodge of topics, many of which aren't very useful at all.  I have a couple of other ideas as well which I'll be exploring in the days ahead.

But I would be remiss if I didn't mention the other outstanding resources available to Taiwan veterans.  The first one I found before I ever started the blog was the website dedicated to the 6987th Security Group at Shu Linkou.  As you scroll down their main page, you'll find well-organized links in various topic areas, all of which contain many photographs.  The site is updated frequently and is a treasure trove of memories.  I'm often amazed at the sheer volume of information they've assembled.

I also heartily recommend the Taipei Air Station blog, which recently has focused on Taipei as it exists today.  It's a great resource for us "old timers" to see how much things have changed.  I always find it interesting (and maybe a little depressing sometimes) as I am reminded of the years that have passed since I was stationed in Taipei and all the changes that have taken place.

The same author maintains the Taipei Air Station website, which was actually the predecessor to his blog.  It also is a goldmine of information and photos.  I should mention that both of his sites cover far more than just Taipei Air Station.  You can find historical information about the Taipei area as well as other U.S. military units that were in Taiwan.  Please note that Kent is organizing another trip for veterans to visit Taiwan for a few days during November 2011.  I'm sure that he'd be pleased to add your name to the list.

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of the more than 63,000 visitors to the USTDC blog for dropping by here every now and then.  I especially want to thank the many folks who have contributed so much here.  I don't want to risk offending anyone by inadvertently omitting a name, but you all know who you are.  This blog would have died long ago if not for you.  It has been a tremendous pleasure corresponding with each and every one of you.  I have made many good friends here and I am most grateful for the opportunity.

May the good people of Taiwan continue to enjoy a lasting peace and the freedom to determine their own destiny.


  1. Don, you are taking a Sabbatical, nothing more. There is so much more out there awaiting your pen. We will all keep an eye on the Blog looking for the next story and photographs. Thanks my brother.


  2. I'm still gonna be reading. Plenty of old topics that are enjoyable more than once.

  3. Don:

    You've certainly earned a vacation from blogging and anything else you choose. Many of us owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping important memories alive. Enjoy your time off; we'll still be here whenever you want to return.

    Les D

  4. Don- Thanks for all of your hard work with this site. As a "cold war kid" who had the extremely fortunate experience of spending my adolesence in Taipei from 1972-78, I have a special fondness for the topic. Your efforts have been nothing but "top drawere" all the way down the line.
    I too will continue to dig through the archives and enjoy this blog during your hiatus.
    All the best to you and yours,

  5. Hi Don, my name is Merry. I'm a Taiwanese American mix. I have been searching for my grandpa through many different networks using the few informations my uncle provided me. I was wondering if you can give me some suggestions to ways that I can find my grandpa.

    My grandpa was a soldier working for the Military Assistance and Advisory Group in Taiwan during the year 1955-1957 (estimated time). He met my grandma (I don't know when) and had my mom. Then he had an eye injury sometime during Christmas time in 1956 and was sent to Okinawa to get treated. When he got back to Taiwan from Okinawa, he went and saw my grandma and my mom, but was being rejected by my grandma's family. And from what I heard, he got sent back to the US sometime during January 1957. One information I know for sure is that before my grandpa left, my grandma, my mom, and him had a picture together. In the picture, my mom was a little baby being held in my grandma's arms. And unfortunately, one side of the picture was being cut off, which I was told that it was my grandpa.

    Thank you for reading my comment. If by any chance you can help me with my search for my grandpa, can you please contact me back.

  6. Hello, Merry.

    I found a couple of websites for organizations that try to assist Amerasians. I don't know anything about either one, but they may be worth checking into:


    Amerasian Foundation:

    There may be other similar organizations out there as well.

    Best of luck in your search.


  7. Hi Don,

    You brighten my day by giving me a little extra hope. Thank you so much for your help.


  8. Hi Merry,
    Do you know your grandfather's name?

  9. Merry,

    I live in Taiwan now. I have many connections here and can help you locate your family relatives. However, like others have said, names (in Chinese) and family hometown, and age (approximate) are required to begin searching.



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