During 2008, United Tian Mu monthly magazine published a story about Charlie Hoppe, who was a 22 year old Intelligence Officer when he arrived at USTDC in 1956. He and his wife returned to Taipei in 2008 for a visit and he brought the photo shown below with him. Charlie took the photo in 1957 and it shows the gate at the entrance of TDC as it appeared at that time. Below that is a photo of the gate as it appeared during my tour in 1973-74. Just to the left of these gates was Hsinsheng North Road.
Many thanks to Ken A. (Linkou vet) and Les D. for providing these images.
I'm sure the entrance looked like the top photo when I was there in the early 60's. for some reason I don't remember using the front gate. I lived south of the Exchange and behind it a ways and must have come in the back way? Strange but maybe driving in to work was so routine that I don't remember how I got there. I'm sure I didn't have a hangover every day?
ReplyDeleteVictor, thanks for your comment. I appreciate your help.
Where was US Taiwan Defense Command anyway? You mentioned somewhere close to Hsinshen North Road?
ReplyDeleteThis article that I wrote three years ago should answer your question: http://ustdc.blogspot.com/2007/11/new-photos-ustdc-area-today.html
ReplyDeleteThe building itself was located to the east of where the Modern Art Museum is located today.
Thank you. Was that very close to where the old American Club in China before ACC moved to the current place (the old 63)? Things did change a lot.
ReplyDeleteCG Lai:
ReplyDeleteThe American Club was somewhere to the south of where the art museum is today. Much of the area of the park (today's floral exhibition) was what I always refer to here as the east compound, where the military exchange, commissary, theater, library and many other buildings were located.
Across the street to the west, in the general area of the stadium, was the west compound. There was a chapel, a gas station, Provost Marshall (military police), bowling alley and many other buildings and offices.
(Apologies in advance from straying off topic here but these threads trigger a lot of collateral memories.)
ReplyDeleteCG-Actually, the old American Club backed right up to the rear of the east compound comissary. The entry drive to the club was just north of the guest house adjacent to the east compound and fronting Hsinshen North. My father was the president of the ACC from 1975-77, and we were members from 72-79. My dad was also the President of the American Chamber of Commerce from 1977 to 1978, including the time of the derecognition. One of my most vivid memories of the club was in early 1976 when the old man hosted a luncheon/presser for then candidate Ronald Reagan. Mr. Reagan had been invited by the ROC for the visit in support of his presidential bid and his pro-Taiwan stance. I have the photos somewhere.