Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some Names From TDC

Old friend Larry Marcum was the Administrative Officer at TDC during my tour (current photo shown here).  He dug through his memory bank and came up with names of some of the folks who were assigned there during his tour:

VADM Philip Beshany  Sept 1972 -1973
VADM Edwin Snyder  1973-1977 ?
RADM James Linder  1977 - 1979 Taiwan Defense Command was closed

BGEN Burroughs  USAF
BGEN Don Williams  USAF
BGEN Dan Brooksher USAF

CAPTAIN James Becker USN
Col Charles Peters  USAF
Col Bruce Ferrier USAF

J-1 Staff
LtCol Clay Blanton  USA
LtCol Julian turner USA
LtCol Sam Martin
Larry Marcum, Administrative Officer, Civilian
Captain Joel Lipsett USAF

J-7 Legal
Captain Hairston USN
Captain Battagalino  USN
Captain Tam  USN
LtCol Paterson USAF

LtCommander Paul Hanley
LCDR Jay Coupe


  1. Larry, how do you get selected to be the Admin. Officer? And how long was the "tour" supposed to be?

  2. one name that i remmeber was my math tutor. i believe his first name was Jim and his wife was my math teacher at the Dominican school and her name was Carol. This would have been between 70-73 maybe. he was A F and a capt i think. sorry, military confused me at that time as the civ and military worlds there were so stratified. did anybody know him? I know it's a long shot. I def remember Baumberger...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. my math tutor was a a f capt i think named Jim? Davis and his wife was my teacher at Dominican School . This must have been @ 70-72. Her name was Carol . I also def remember Baumberger! Another person I remmeber was Walter Mconaghey (sp) who was the American Ambassador.

  5. I remember a number of these names. One in particular whom I got to know pretty well was Col Bruce Ferrier, the J-1. He and his wife, who taught one of my sons at Dominican School, were two of the nicest people you'd ever be privileged to meet. But I did feel sorry for him; it was his office's unhappy duty to plan each of the successive 50% cuts in US military strength on island, which the Carter administration ordered. The early cuts, when there were thousands of military still in Taiwan, were probably easier. The last couple, when remaining units had already been cut to the bone, were very difficult.


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