Thursday, March 26, 2009

Construction at old HSA Site

A couple of days ago I mentioned that the old Headquarters Support Activity compounds are presently under construction for next year's exhibition. After all the buildings in both compounds were demolished years ago, the East Compound (USTDC, PX, commissary, etc.) became home to an art museum and park. Much of the new construction will be done in that park area.

Today I received some current photographs of the area from Kenneth, a friend of Kent's (Taipei Air Station blog and website) who lives in Taipei.

It's not hard to figure out what this sign is saying, though it probably says it in a more friendly way than ours do here in the States.
This is facing north on the east side of Jhongshan North Road. You can see the top of the white, modernistic looking art museum ahead. I think we're at the approximate spot where the hostels were located.
This is the same shot taken from a spot just a little further south. I think it is probably close to where the gate was to the East Compound.
This photo was probably taken from approximately the same spot as the one above, but you're now facing south. The tall building on the corner directly ahead was the Roma Hotel when I was at TDC during 1973-1974, but I think it had other names over the years. If you look to the right of the photo, you can see the bookstore that was on the far corner. I don't remember what it was called in those days, but you could buy all kinds of books, records and tapes -- all bootleg copies, as far as I know -- at bargain prices. I think someone told me that it is still a book store today.


  1. The book store is "Caves bookstore". They sell mostly English books.

  2. It became Caves in the 70s/80s but was a wedding outlet until Caves took it over again recently.

    I am amazed that Caves has survived when you consider the Taipei 101 mall has one of the biggest book shops in the world.

  3. Whatever happened to the Linkou EM Club that was located just across Zhongshan N. Road from Headquarters Support Activity? It was nest door to the MAAG theater compound when I was stationed with the Naval Security Group in 1963-64.


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