Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wainright High School Query

This is a little off-topic, but it is related to the information I posted a few days ago regarding American schools in Taiwan.

Mr. David Yang sent me the following message:

Hello Don

The city government of Tainan is now asking its citizens to send in any information (photos, stories ect.) related to the Jonathan Wainwright high school. The city government plans to turn the original site of the wainwright high school into a park with an exhibition place to introduce the once existed American school. I wonder if you know someone who can help. Thank you in advance.

David Yang
If anyone here has any information on the school and is interested in participating in this project, please drop me an email and I'll send you Mr. Yang's email address.


  1. Hi again,
    This is Christy Veasey and I attended Wainwright School have the year book for 1968. My chinese teacher was Dr.Su.
    School was directly behind Navy Compound. The movie theater was not far from the school as well as where the U.S.O. would come and perform.
    There was a handball court there too.
    We would also have army picnics there and I still have the cooley hats from the 1968 pinic. My album is in excellent condition as well as my chinese notebook where I took notes. Still remember some maderin Ne hoiw mao.

  2. Christy,

    As I said in the post, if you'll email me directly (ustdc[at]], I'll send you David Yang's email address and you can contact him directly with whatever you would like to share about the school.



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