Saturday, May 24, 2008

Club Card

Sarj Bloom sent in this image of his old 63 Club (Club 63/MAAG Club/China Seas) membership card. He described it as the best place in town to eat, like some exclusive restaurant in the States (no argument from me!).

He couldn't remember how much the monthly dues were but, like everything else in those days, they wouldn't have been very much. I honestly don't remember paying any dues or even having a membership card when I was there. Was it possible that the navy didn't charge dues? I think they took over the operation of the club not very long after I arrived at TDC in 1973.

1 comment:

  1. Club 63 or 63 Club, the argument goes on. But today, we have proof positive, in 1963 our favorite club was, "Club 63!"


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